Welcome to Sixth Grade

Phone: 972-772-0502


Degrees and Certifications:

Keneth Alvarez

Notice – This site is not intended to be all-encompassing of the subject being taught to your student. The weekly updates on this site are a very brief and broad overview of what is being taught to your student. Your student is ultimately responsible for writing down what is listed on the agenda and the table of content for each unit and any information that is given by the teacher.

Point of Clarification – MapTests by the very nature of the exam will require direct labeling of but not limited to specific points of interest as directed by the teacher. Your student is directly responsible for asking questions for points of clarification as it relates to this type of exam and all exams given in this subject area.

Thank you,

Mr. Alvarez


Dear Parent’s

                      Next week, we will still be working on unit 3 in science and unit 2 in social studies. The redo for our USA map test will be 10/15, time 7:30 in Mr. A’s room. Please have your child review grades and see if any issues are found, please bring it to my attention. Have a great weekend!

Thank you,

Mr. A